Thursday, June 6, 2019

Final Stretch and MORE

I feel terrible that this journey hasn't been filled with as many updates as my first, but honestly that's a good thing. Everything is going smoothly and VERY fast. I'm just a regular preggo with no excitement going on other than the fact that little lady is growing perfectly.

 I am officially in my last trimester! The summer is keeping me super busy and before I know it this baby will be going home with mom and dad. My c-section is scheduled just a few days shy of the first day of school. Mom and dad can't wait! It's funny how slow these journeys start out and then I blink and it's all over. I think every post I'm fighting back tears for one reason or another. The goal is give them their baby, but I grow to truly love and care about these families. I love being pregnant and I love babies, but I honestly do this for the parents. They are remarkable individuals and I am so happy to know them. 

Journey #1 Update:

Can you believe the twins are 2?! T.W.O!!!! Orion, Jagger, Willow and the whole Vincent family are doing fantastic. Mom checks in on me all the time and random pictures of the kiddos fill my heart with so much joy that I could literally burst.

Could they be any cuter?

My next post will hopefully be filled with sappy pictures and exciting news of a new little person to enter the world. I just can't wait to see this little girl!









I have news for you.

We all know that stress can wreak havoc on your body. Take away that stress and amazing things happen.

And I mean AMAZING things.

Meet baby A #2

That's right, it happened again! I am completely mind blown! Needless to say, so are mom and dad. They have never made it this far in any pregnancy and everything looks perfect. She is due December 23rd while I am just four months earlier due August 24th. AHHHHH you guys I want to shout from the rooftop! I always feel a tinge of guilt being pregnant with someone else's baby. I put myself in the mothers shoes and my heart aches. She doesn't get to feel her baby growing or experience even the not so fun parts of pregnancy. Each of my mommas will now get to experience everything they tried so hard for. It flat-out brings me to tears. So many happy tears!  

My request to you is to pray for this little momma. Pray she has the best most uneventful pregnancy she can have! I just couldn't be any happier!