17 weeks until we get to meet these little boys! That’s if I
don’t go into labor or my water breaks beforehand. I would absolutely love if I
could call their mom and dad to say its baby day by surprise. I’ll be keeping
my fingers crossed. Our 20 week scan looked great with baby A weighing in above
average at 14oz and baby B at 13oz. Both babies will continue to put on weight
as a singleton until 28 weeks when twin growth usually slows down.
As for now I’m feeling fantastic and honestly feel like I’m
caring only one baby. On occasion I’ll have a difficult time breathing. My
guess is the little stinkers are stretching out and compressing everything up
into my lungs. Cravings are still fresh fruit and veggies, breakfast foods
always sound good and a weird concoction of Spaghetti O’s with cottage cheese,
which I did not consume because I didn’t have Spaghetti O’s, but man it sounded
so good at that moment.
For those of you who don’t follow me on Instagram, I
received Belly Buds from my intended parents. They are little speakers I stick
to my belly and with an app their parents can record anything from a simple
conversation, storybooks, or dad playing
the guitar. It’s been so important to me that the boys hear their parent’s
voice daily and now with working little ears we have a new bedtime routine with
our Belly Buds. The boys love it! I didn’t think I’d get such an immediate
response, but the boys moved like crazy the first night!
With permission from my intended parents I have been granted
the opportunity to tell you a little bit about what lead them to surrogacy and
some BIG news.
My intended momma never had a normal menstrual cycle in her
adolescence, so it wasn’t a big surprise that they hit a speed bump when they
decided to start trying for a baby. After seeing doctors it was discovered that
she had a bi-unicornuate uterus . A bi-cornuate uterus is heart-shaped with two
conjoined cavities. A typical uterus only has a single cavity.
After surgery to remove the smaller section of her uterus
and a fallopian tube they decided to give IVF a go. My sweet intended parents
dove right in with a few egg retrievals, three IVF transfers which were
unsuccessful and two cycles for transfer
that were cancelled due to her body not being where it needed to be for
With a big sign from God they decided to stop the IVF
process and start an adoption journey. They were instantly matched and have a
beautiful daughter that they are so proud to call theirs. She is truly the
apple of their eye and so very blessed.
Now that left them with the question of what to do with the
three remaining embryos they had frozen? After long conversations and healing
they decided to look into surrogacy. This is where we met and I knew there was
something special about them. And so to now you have read and followed our
journey to this point!
Imagine my shock and disbelief when on a “girls” day with my
intended mom she pulls out a sonogram picture. I’m pretty sure my mouth hit the
floor as we both were fighting back tears. After years of trying to get
pregnant and finally having babies via surrogacy BAM pregnant. I am so happy to
say that baby C (the intended moms baby) looks great to date and I am officially
8.5 weeks ahead of her with my pregnancy. Not many surrogates get to walk the
pregnancy journey with their intended mom. This is just another blessing and one
more thing that makes our story truly incredible.
Mind blown, right?! It’s still crazy for me to think about. While
I always ask for prayers I now would like you to add the new little one growing
inside my intended momma and for her as well. I want happy healthy pregnancies and
babies all the way around!