Friday, October 28, 2016

PUPO (Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise)

We all were going a little stir crazy waiting for transfer this afternoon. We had so much peace that everything was going to go perfectly, but yet couldn’t help to be nervous about nothing and everything. We left for CCRM at noon and immediately had labs drawn. From there we ventured upstairs to the surgery center where I entered “the room.” I had acupuncture then waited for the doctor and the embryologist to come in. It all went so fast from there.

The embryos are wheeled in an incubator where we were able to see them up on a screen.  The embryologists then sucked the little embabies into a tiny little catheter and then were given to the doctor to place inside my uterus.  The procedure was completely pain free, minus some discomfort from having a completely full bladder.  I was laid flat and had another acupuncture session and was able to get up an hour later.

We transferred two beautiful little babies.

The embryo on the right is fully hatched while the embryo on the left was in the process of hatching. The really neat part is in about four hours the hatching embryo should be fully hatched and would look like its sibling on the right. 

It’s a huge relief to be done. Now the hard part is the waiting game. My first HCG blood test is a long ten days away. In the meantime, I’ve been placed on bed rest and can continue normal activity Sunday when we will travel home. I am so lucky to have such amazing friends and family. Every text, message, and post I received today meant the world to me. You all are stinking fantastic! Once again, keep us all in your prayers and send lots of sticky baby vibes our way. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"Did Someone Say Transfer?!"

I’m sorry I haven’t updated my blog in so long. It’s been a crazy few months and I wanted to make sure my body cooperated with meds before I spilled the beans on a transfer date. The wait is over! I’m set for transfer this Friday, October 28th! So many emotions are going through me. I can’t believe I’ve made it to this point and with the most amazing intended parents ever. The support and love I feel from them is the greatest feeling in the world.

I have a few specific prayer requests. For safe travels as we all make our way to Denver tomorrow. Prayers that the embryos thaw beautifully and last but certainly not least that they stick around to meet their wonderful parents.

I want to give a special thanks to people who have reached out with support, kind words, as well as the ladies at work covering for me during early morning appointments and missed work. The little things mean the most. I will update Friday or Saturday!