Today has been a rough day.
When I first started writing this post, I was going to caption a picture with, "This is what surrogacy looks like." The second I started typing the words, it hit me. THIS is just a glimpse at what infertility looks like. Doctor's appointments, lab work, injections, oral medication, patches, and vaginal suppositories all to prepare for transfer of the tiny embryos you hope will grow and flourish. This doesn't include what a woman endures to prep for egg retrieval just to make it this far for IVF. I am truly humbled by the trials and tribulations that couples face with infertility.
"The walk to parenthood is one that looks very different from the one person to the next. For some, that road is wide and vast. A perfectly paved surface that leads directly to a place that was always meant to be. For others, the road takes a few turns and requires a few detours. But for others still, that path is barely even carved out among the woods. It is nothing more than obstacles and hurt and loss and a constant struggle to a place that is entirely unknown."
I passed the rigorous one-day workup with flying colors and we were working on having contracts done this week with hopes of starting meds this Monday. I am heartbroken to say that as close as we got to this dream, it's been put on hold. Infertility is not cheap, and the economy only makes it harder. If you would please keep my intended parents in your prayers, as I can only imagine how hard it is for them to have to put their dream on hold. As for me, I will wait and see what God has planned. When one door closes, another one opens.
While I am so thankful for the income of support and kind words, I want you to take a minute, sit back, and look at all the blessings you have. While things may not be perfect or ideal, you never know the hurt and stress another might be facing.