Years ago I cared for a little boy, and while learning that
patience is a virtue, he would repeat the phrase “patience hurt you.” This made
me giggle because being patient can be very hard.
I started my surrogacy process in June 2015. After months of
emails, paperwork, doctor appointments, and psych evaluations, that November, I
was finally approved to be a surrogate. I was hoping to be matched with a
family relatively quickly, which proved to be a harder process than I was
expecting. While I had a few families cross my path, I either was compromising
my morals with agreeing to termination or having to eat a very strict diet of
only organic gluten free products. My patience was starting to wear thin. I
kept hope and continued to pray that I would be blessed with the right couple
for me.
Then it happened. April 12th I received a sweet message from a
woman on a third-party surrogacy website I had posted my profile on. After
exchanging a few messages back and forth, I felt an instant connection with
this woman. The most exciting thing- they live in Kansas! I was lucky
enough to meet this sweet couple a few weeks ago, and shortly after we left
from lunch together, they called me to say they would love to have me join them
on this journey if I’d be up for it. I couldn’t have been more excited and I
may have even cried. I already feel emotionally invested and I hardly know this
couple. While there is still so much yet to do, my hopes and dreams to bless
this couple with more children is sky high.